Hooks & Eyes | The Ambition & Destiny Series | Author VL McBeath Hooks & Eyes | The Ambition & Destiny Series | Author VL McBeath
VL McBeath

Hooks & Eyes

Part 1: The Ambition & Destiny Series (Historical Family Saga - Completed Series)

About the Book

Inspired by a true story, Hooks & Eyes begins an epic saga of one family’s trials, tragedies, and triumphs as they seek their fortune in Victorian-era England.

To start again, Mary must leave the past behind…

With no husband and two small children to care for, survival is Mary’s only concern.

She needs money … and can’t be too choosy about the job.

Mr Wetherby doesn’t need any more workers for his expanding business, but as a favour to an old acquaintance, he’ll make an exception … for Mary.

He wants her.

She needs him.

Can they build the foundations of a happy life together? Or will a web of lies and deceit be their undoing?


If you like tales of women striving to protect their families, then you’ll love the first installment in this engaging series.

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The Details

Published: March 8, 2017
Publisher: Valyn Publishing
Formats: EbookPaperbackLarge Print
ISBN-10: 0995570825 ISBN-13: 978-0995570825 ASIN: B06XHKYX8C
Genres & Tropes
Historical Fiction, Family Saga, British Family, Victorian England, Love, Loss, Betrayal